Web Development Volunteer Handbook

Development Principles and Practices


Our organization primarily uses Next.js and Chakra UI as our preferred frameworks. It is important that you have a good understanding of these frameworks in order to develop websites and web applications that meet our standards.

Task Management

We assign tasks to our web developers regularly and expect them to be completed in a timely manner. In order to ensure that we are meeting our goals, it is important that you manage your tasks effectively and communicate any potential delays as soon as possible.


Collaboration is a key component of our development process. We encourage all developers to work together, share knowledge, and provide feedback to one another. This helps us ensure that our projects are of the highest quality and that we are meeting our deadlines.

Best Practices


We also prioritize performance in our web development projects. Websites and applications should be optimized to load quickly and efficiently, and should be tested to ensure that they are performing as expected.



We take deadlines seriously and expect all web developers to do the same. If you are assigned a task with a deadline, it is important that you communicate any potential delays as soon as possible.


We have high standards for the quality of our websites and web applications. All code should be well-written, documented, and tested. Websites and applications should be user-friendly, accessible, and performant.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our organization. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Chief Technology Officer (PRAN#1889)